Foothill Arts + Lectures
“Foothill Arts + Lectures” is a program in which local artists give one-hour talks at the Mariposa library, with a Q&A and mingling after the event. This event is free to attend.
I developed this series to reconnect members of our community, honor our elder artists, celebrate artists’ accomplishments, highlight our local artists, and bring enriching perspectives into our lives. My goals were also to make an event for local artists and art-appreciators to build community, to create a space for the sharing of ideas, and to increase the visibility of the talent and creative possibilities of our region.
The culmination of this program is a Mariposa artist’s archive, a book/booklets highlighting each artist with a website featuring the highlights from these lectures.
Since April 2023, there have been 9 talks and two seasons. Dates for Season 3 TBD.
This is a program of the Mariposa County Library.
Below are web flyers for each event with links to each artist(s)’s website (if available).
[This program has] “quenched a deep thirst that our community has had.”
“...we have lived here over three decades, [and] we had no idea there were so many talented and well-known artists living in our midst."
[With this program,] “a vibrant cultural scene has emerged.”
"These art talks have inspired me. Every time I attend, they bring a fresh light and I see the world more beautifully and optimistically. The art quilts [made by Lura Schwarz Smith] especially made me feel like anything is possible.
"Since the start of the pandemic, my wife, who is quadriplegic and in poor health, and I have stayed pretty much isolated on our ranch. The art lecture series has allowed us to come together with the art community and public in a safe, accessible environment. We have found the series to be very informative and it has furthered our appreciation of the many fine artists who live and work here in Mariposa."
"Anna’s series is filling a critical need in our community, and with it, gathering momentum. At the first lecture in the series, at least 20 people were unable to attend due to the limitations of our physical space.... It points to both the success of Anna’s program (and her advertising) as well as the hunger for learning, artistic inspiration, and gathering places in our town."